Open JPhotoTagger's database with LibreOffice/OpenOffice Base

You can open JPhotoTagger's database with LibreOffice Base or with OpenOffice Base. If you do this, ensure that JPhotoTagger does not run and that the database is opened only once per time, i.e. do not start JPhotoTagger, if the database is opened in Base or do not open it twice with Base!

Add HSQL DB driver

Add to LibreOffice the HSQL DB library (JAR file) with the the same version as JPhotoTagger. If the version is different or newer, the database may not be opened or converted into the newer format and JPhotoTagger can't use it any longer. Steps:

  1. Menu Tools > Options > Advanced
  2. Class Path > Add Archive
  3. Select from JPhotoTagger's installation directory, subdirectory lib the file hsqldb.jar

Locate JPhotoTagger's database

In JPhotoTagger select File > Database > Info. At the bottom of the dialog, the location of the database will be displayed. The directory of the location is is part of the JDBC URL, see below.

Create new Database within LibreOffice/OpenOffice

  1. Start LibreOffice Base
  2. In the Database Wizard, step 1 – Select Database – select Connect with existing database, type: JDBC
  3. In the Database Wizard, step 2 – Set up JDBC connectionDatasource URL is jdbc:hsqldb:file:directory_of_database/database;shutdown=true, e.g. jdbc:hsqldb:file:/home/elmar/.de.elmar_baumann/ImageMetaDataViewer/database;shutdown=true under Linux or jdbc:hsqldb:file:C:\users\elmar\.de.elmar_baumann\ImageMetaDataViewer\database;shutdown=true under Windows. Note, that "jdbc:" usually is already filled in!
  4. JDBC Driver Class: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver. Click the Test Class Button. It should display a success message!
  5. Click the Finish button. Then you can create a file for opening via double click.

On success, you will see the tables as in the image below.

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Status of this document: 2019-01-19